About the book

The DNA of Collaboration is a book by Chris Jones (@sourcepov). Why do some teams succeed, and others fail? These pages take inventory of the challenges and solutions facing the 21st century organization. Heavily researched, but conversational and insightful, the book has a variety of visual aids, a glossary, and an index, along with a cross-reference of metaphors. It’s a comprehensive reference.

Here’s some reader feedback on our KM chapter, first published here.

First released in October 2012, with both hardcover and softcover available on Amazon.

Check out our online readers guide, linkography and table of contents, with links to reader feedback.

And it’s not just a book, it’s an on-going conversation.  Follow our dialog on twitter at hashtag #orgdna for new insights on collaborative learning.  Along with our readers, we’re very excited to remain active in the evolving space of effective collaboration.  Don’t hesitate to reach out.  We’d love to compare notes.

Published by Amberwood Media Group.

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